Home » Africa: Ghana secures funding for tourism development project, implements grant scheme

Africa: Ghana secures funding for tourism development project, implements grant scheme

by Atqnews
ghana UNESCO

The Ghanaian Government has secured funding from the International Development Association (IDA) to implement the Ghana Tourism Development Project (GTDP).

The rationale for the project is to provide financial and technical assistance to support the Government of Ghana’s efforts to develop the leisure tourism industry.

The Project, being implemented by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture has four components with two components (2 & 3) focused on the Grant Scheme.

Component 2 focuses on developing non-public owned tourist sites and destinations while Component 3 will provide support through a matching grant scheme for MSMEs in the tourism space with opportunities to improve their business planning, formalise their businesses etc.

The project is currently targeted at businesses and individuals in the hospitality and tourism sector who meet the eligibility criteria to apply for grant funding.

Eligibility Criteria for Businesses:

. Must be a registered business with the Registrar General’s Department with majority Ghanaian shareholding /ownership

. Must be a registered tourism-specific establishment

. Majority Ghanaian shareholding businesses in the tourism value chain, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)

. Must have a physical presence in Ghana

. Must be a profitable business

. Must own and or manage a tourism site (for site upgrade grant category)

For Individuals:

. Must be a resident Ghanaian

. Should have been trained or undergoing training with an accredited tourism and hospitality training facility

. Must be employed or a part-time worker

. Must be a member of a state-recognized industry association

The following Evaluation Criteria will be used:

. Relevance / Fit to the overall project development objectives

. Team structure

. Technical and Financial capacity of business (where applicable)

. Risk and mitigation strategies

. Funding requirement

. Impact and sustainability

Application Process:

. Applicants submit an expression of interest through a link on the websites of MOTAC and GTA

. Successful applicants will be sent another link to complete a detailed application

. Applicants complete detailed application and attach their proposals for funding

. Proposals are evaluated based on an agreed evaluation criteria

. Decision communicated to both successful and unsuccessful applicants

. Due diligence conducted on successful applicants if necessary

. Grant winners announced and published

. Grant agreement signed with successful applicants

. Commence disbursement of grant in line with agreement

Source: visitghana.com

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