Home » Africa: Zimbabwe Sex workers turn to railway wagons in Harare

Africa: Zimbabwe Sex workers turn to railway wagons in Harare

by Atqnews

Zimbabwe Sex workers turn to railway wagons in Harare

SEX workers have invaded Harare’s Workington industrial area, taking advantage of disused National Railways of Zimbabwe wagons that they have turned into brothels.

The wagons abandoned between Olivine Industries and the Titanic building known as “Diamond” have offered a haven to lonely men who frequent the area during their lunch break and are using the free facilities.

The scantily-dressed women stand between the railway lines waiting for customers to come by at any time of the day.

Some of the wagons have no roofs, entire walls missing or have gapping holes in them.
The women wave at passersby enticing them to buy their services, while besides them are children playing to fool the unknowing.

Herald reporters visited the area yesterday and men were seen in the wagons.
The area – which is in full view of passing vehicles along Lytton Road – did not seem to stop the sex workers from their business, even flashing to an incoming Bulawayo train and hurling obscenities to the rail workers.

The ladies, who were around 14, were seen milling around the rail lines in the presence of their clients and “security guards.”

One of the sex workers, only identified as Agnes, said business was brisk during lunchtime.
“Right now business is low, but wait and see around lunch that is when business is high),” said Agnes.

NRZ public relations manager Mr Fanuel Masikati said the wagons belonged to them, but was unaware prostitutes were using them to entertain their customers.

“We have plans to move those wagons to our workshops away from the public.
“We do not condone any activity going on at that site and encourage members of the public to stay away,” he said.

Mr Masikati urged the public not to tamper with NRZ wagons, which is State property.
He said it was a criminal offence and those caught would be prosecuted.

Source: herald.co.zw

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