Home » Men with BIG members have problems in marriage says study

Men with BIG members have problems in marriage says study

by Atqnews
By: Krystle Crossman

According to a study that was developed by Kenyan and US researchers, the longer a man’s member is, the more likely it is that his wife will have an affair. It seems strange that it would be the wife who is more likely to cheat right? The study published in the online Journal PIoS One states the reasons why.

After surveying married couples the researchers found that for every inch above the average length that a man’s penis is, it is one and a half times more likely that his wife is going to find someone else outside of the marriage to sleep with. They concluded that this is because the bigger it is, the more it can hurt for a woman so she is going to go looking for someone that is able to give her what she needs without pain. It is especially painful for a woman who has a narrow vaginal canal or a woman whose vaginal canal is shorter than other women’s. The pain gets to be too much for them so instead they have an affair.

The researchers also found that some of the biggest reasons other than penis size for women having an affair is domestic violence or the man not allowing his wife to use a s*xual position that she enjoys. These are things that will drive a woman to find what she needs elsewhere. Some things that make it less likely that a wife will cheat are how satisfied she is and how old she is. Women who are older tend to cheat on their spouses less. If she is satisfied in the marriage (not just in bed either), she will not feel like there is something missing from the relationship that she will seek out with someone else.

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