From 2012 to 2018, the number of people declaring themselves pretos, meaning Blacks, increased by almost 5 million in the country. The população branca (white population) continues to shrink and pardos(browns) continue to be majority.
In 2018, Brazil had 19.2 million people who declared themselves Black – 4.7 million more than in 2012, which corresponds to a 32.2% increase in the period. This is revealed by a survey released on Wednesday (22) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
With the exception of 2014, when the number of blacks remained stable in relation to the previous year, the percentage of the declared black population has increased annually. It is therefore a trend.
“The specific reason for the increase of this declaration, in fact, we don’t have. (see note one) What we realize is that in recent years there has been reinforcement of affirmative policies of color or race,” said the IBGE analyst.
The researcher emphasized that the survey, based on the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), is conducted based on the interviewee’s perception of color and race. “It is not the interviewer who determines the color, it is the informant who declares,” said the IBGE rep.
On the other hand, the declared white population is declining year to year, which in 2018 totaled 89.7 million Brazilians, against 92.2 million in 2012. The whites were majority in the country until 2014. Since 2015, pardos have accounted for the majority of the population – jumping from 89.6 million in 2012 to 96.7 million in 2018.
“In addition to the possible change in the population’s perception of color and race resulting from affirmative policies, we have to consider the process of miscegenation in the country, which causes us to have a higher percentage of pardos,” said the researcher.
Percentage division (%) of the Brazilian population by colour or race
Since 2015, pardos have been the majority in the country.
Brancos (Whites): 43.1 Pardos (Browns): 46.5 Pretos (Blacks): 9.3