Chairperson of the East African Tourism Platform (EATP), Fred Odek has called on countries in the East African Community (EAC) to liberalise …
ATQ News ArchiveATQ News UpdatesTourism
Africa: Mixed feeling trails Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga, East Africa private sector stakeholders’ proposals to ban imports of used clothes
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsThe proposal by Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga, and stakeholders in private sector East Africa to place a ban on used clothes …
ATQ News ArchiveATQ News UpdatesTourism
Tourism: EAC set to establish new grading rules for hotels in East Africa which is aimed to standardize services offered by the accommodation facilities in the region
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsThe strategy was approved by the EAC Sectoral Council on Tourism in July 2021. It was adopted by the Council of Ministers in …
ATQ News ArchiveATQ News UpdatesTourism
Africa: DR Congo Has Been Endorsed By The Council Of Ministers To Join The East African Community As The Seventh Member State
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsThe EAC Council of Ministers, chaired by Kenya’s EAC Affairs and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohamed, gave the nod during an …
ATQ News ArchiveATQ News UpdatesTourism
Africa: Tourism suffers 60% drop in EAC countries
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsWith the world still trying to come to terms with the COVID-19 pandemic, Ministers of Tourism in the East African region are …
ATQ News ArchiveTourism
Tourism: Fighting over tourists puts East Africa in bad light
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsIn the good old days East African tour operators could sit back and know that eager visitors will come to sample the …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
Africa: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda tie up the Uni-Visa while Tanzania stays away.
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsKenya has re-ignited its vision for a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ arrangement with Uganda and Rwanda as the three nations signed a …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
Africa: East African MPs want more from EAC single tourist Visa
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsEast African lawmakers are not happy at the slow implementation of the Single Tourist Visa, saying it has made little progress in …
ATQ News ArchiveTourism
African Tourism: ECOWAS copies EAC in the use of Biometrics ID for regional travels
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsBy Author: LaminJahateh The West African regional bloc, Ecowas, is to introduce a common biometric identity card for all the 15 countries …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
80%of what is produced in Africa is exported depriving Africa of growth
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsAs growth in developed markets such as Europe, China and North Africa continue to stagnate, greater regional integration in Africa, amongst all …