A man of God in Harare, Zimbabwe, Prophet Tapiwa Freddy, the Founder and General Overseer of Goodness and Mercy Ministries, has caused a sensation in his country when he claimed to have anointed soaps for his female church members which will enable them to lure men into love relationships as well bring back any man who dumped them I-Harare reports.
Prophet Freddy, in one of his special service for women, told them that the soap has been blessed by special angels who have empowered it to lure men and lost lovers, sending the women into a frenzy as they scrambled for it.
During the service, Prophet Freddy reportedly told the women:
“All married women, your prayers have been heard. If your husband is cheating on you and even if he has lost interest in you sexually, your anointed soap is the answer.
All you have to do is wash your underwear with that soap or simply bath yourself, make sure the soap passes where he has lost interest and you will definitely come back with a testimony.
To the singles if you are unlucky in love, the anointed soap is the answer. You will find men approaching you, they will see you attractive and beautiful.
Ugly women will be married this season because of what God will be doing through anointed soaps.
God instructed me to do so. God has his way of doing things depending on the situation. Prophet Elisha used a stick that the axe may be recovered from a river in 2 Kings Chapter 6 verse 6.
At one stage our master Jesus spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and anointed the eyes of a blind man.
A prophet acts upon the word spoken to him by God and that word will produce results.”
Source: pulse.ng