Home » Africa: Bravehearts Expeditions redefining adventure tourism in Ghana

Africa: Bravehearts Expeditions redefining adventure tourism in Ghana

by Atqnews

Ghana’s unique landscape makes it an easy haven for tourists who like to push their adrenaline levels to challenging heights.

While this beautiful natural resource provides a real opportunity for adventure tourism, only a few entities are taking advantage of the huge potential that exists.

But one Ghanaian company, Bravehearts Expeditions is changing the narrative, giving tourists and adventure seekers the chance to experience another kind of adventure.

The company describes itself as “West- to Central Africa’s sole Outdoor Leadership and Experiential Learning Expeditions firm. We provide fun, active and exhilarating experiences for people from all walks of life on our jungle, mountain, and whitewater and wilderness experiential learning expeditions.”

In an interview with Expedition Leader Jay Jay Segbefia told VoyagesAfriq Travel Magazine they take teams of tourists, students, business people and a whole lot more to experience life in the Ghanaian jungle, where they are deprived of the things they take for granted in the city; “so we are looking at cell phones and all electronic gadgets, make-ups, hair dryers and we introduce them to life where they sleep in canvas tent with in-built mosquito net.

They eat food cooked over campfires, we lead them to hike and trek across some of Ghana’s breathtaking mountain landforms, they abseil cliffs, slush through knee-high rivers, they kayak on the world’s largest man-made lake, that is the Lake Volta.”
Jay Jay Segbefia believes the adventure they provide does not just help their clients to put their level endurance to the test, but also helps in the rediscovery of themselves.

The Expedition Leader right (Jay Jay Sebgefia) preparing an adventurer for abseiling
“So in doing this, what we end up doing is to push them beyond their limits of recreational, mental, physical and sometimes, spiritual endurance. And get them to stay in touch with both themselves and nature both relaxed and in an intense way and find within themselves what we like to describe as the greatness that resides in them.”

With highly trained team of explorers who have discovered massive caves, reached the top of unclimbed peaks, trekked to the far reaches of the Ghanaian jungle and explored the vast expanse of the Volta Lake. Bravehearts Expeditions work in teams and develop strong relationships and active processes which cultivate a culture of change and ability to adapt quickly.

Mindful of the communities and in the spirit of sustainability, Bravehearts Expeditions also contribute to providing economic, social and environmental incentives for local communities to halt the process of environmental degradation and prevent biodiversity loss.

“What we do at Bravehearts Expeditions is also to create the economic incentives for rural communities to live their environment as it is. In exchange every year, once we file our taxes, we give ten percent (10%) of our profits to supporting education to some of our rural locations, in providing access to good quality drinking water and sometimes bridges. We’ve also built docks for fishermen along Lake Volta as well. So we do this to encourage the people not mess up the environment, to prevent eco-system decline,” Jay Jay Segbefia explained.

The Expedition Leader strongly believes that Ghana has what it takes for the country to reap enormously from adventure tourism if properly harnessed, packaged and marketed. With over 10,000 people having signed on to their adventure package in Ghana over the past years, Bravehearts Expeditions hopes to reach 1 million people in the coming years after which they would spread their tentacles to other countries within the West African sub-region and beyond.

Source: myjoyonline.com

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