North African country, Libya is hoping to revitalize its economy with the ‘Rome Of Africa’ remains following decades of civil unrest which …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
Africa: African migrants sold in Libya ‘slave markets’, IOM says
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsAfricans trying to reach Europe are being sold by their captors in “slave markets” in Libya, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
Africa: Deportees from Libya “Our first crime was having black skin”
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsAnother batch of Nigerians came out of Libya alive last week. Libya has become a country, where sub-Saharan legal and illegal migrants …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
African Union to welcome Haiti as First Diaspora full member in June
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsHaiti will officially become a member of the African Union at the next summit of the regional organization in June. According to …
ATQ News ArchiveDestinations
Morocco targets 160, 000 West Africans travellers in 2016
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsMorocco is seeking to attract more visitors from Russia, China and West Africa, as instability in nearby countries deters tourists from traditional …
Why are “peaceful” Nigerians and Ghanaians seeking more asylum than “wartorn” Libyans and Somalia
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsM&G AFRICA REPORTER OF all the migrant trends, the battle with the Mediterranean sea is the most documented, as tens of thousands of …