5300 years ago, that key figure in human history, considered as the first Pharaoh of the first dynasty, founded the unified Egypt which ruled the world for 3000 years.
The origins of the Egyptian civilization are found in the Great Lakes region and southern Africa. In those regions called Ta Ntjer (God’s Land) in ancient Egyptian, modern humans appeared 300,000 years ago and the first elements of civilization (mathematics, astronomy, religion, architecture et al.) were invented by Africans at the beginning of humankind.
With that legacy, the Anu people, i.e. the first human beings, went down the Nile from the Great Lakes, settled in Sudan and invented agriculture. In Sudan, they founded the first stone-built city in history which is now 15,000 years old and started the Pharaonic civilization.
From Sudan, the Anu people went further down the Nile and settled in Egypt. They founded cities and built the Great Sphinx 10,000 years ago and the pyramids almost 5800 years ago.
5,500 years ago, the minerals carried along by the river from the holy region of the Great Lakes formed a piece of land in northern Egypt: that is Delta. The settlement of Africans in Delta was short as Whites from Asia invaded it and harshly subdued the Kamtiu (Egyptians) who retraced their steps. From then on, ceaseless wars opposed southern Kings to northern foreigners for the control of that new region.
5300 years ago, the Kings of Nekhab, Nubet, Nekhen, Yeb and Abju cities decided to get everything over with and met up in Nagada in southern Egypt. They chose Naré Mari – King of Nekhen and the most important southern King – to subdue once for all the Delta to the Pharaonic crown and complete the unification between North and South.
Son of Queen Sesh and King Serkhet Horo Ka, Meni Horo Naré Mari Tjau was born not long after the invention of writing 5400 years ago. Grounded on his civilizational and historical consciousness, he successfully completed his lifework.
Egypt’s unification story is depicted on Naré Mari’s tablet kept in Cairo Museum.
Bulls are illustrated at the top of the tablet. They come from Africans’ very advanced astronomical knowledge accumulated since the Great Lakes and southern Africa. If one’s draw a line going from Earth’s North Pole to South Pole, we realize that it is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees.
Earth does not only rotate around itself in 24 hours and makes a complete revolution around the sun in 365 days but it also turns in relation to the sun with this axial tilt in 25,920 years.
This 25,920 year-complete turn is called Precession of the Equinox. It is divided in 12 parts which Europeans will later call zodiac. The Sun, messenger of God has 12 followers that Christians will later call disciples to write the life story of their prophet, God’s messenger. Each one of these parts lasts 2,160 years (25,920 ÷ 12). Naré Mari’s time was the Bull era.
Therefore, the bulls at the top mark the period where Egypt’s unification took place. Today, we are in the Fish era which will end in year 2100.
The pacification of Upper Egypt (southern Egypt)
Naré Mari started with subduing to his authority the Black tribes reluctant to the Pharaonic power. This is the reason why on the front part of the tablet, we can see him slaughtering other Africans with storey hairstyle called Djimbi/Djéré/Ndjumbal at the beginning of the 20th century in Senegal.
The King wears Hedjet (the white crown of southern Egypt) whose origin is traced back to Sudan. As an authentic African, he wears a fabric – which is short here – as it is among the peoples from Kenya and Ethiopia. He carries a talisman bag on his chest. He has a bull tale put around his waist.
Behind him, his servant holds a kettle and his sandals. The King comes to perform his ablutions and is now bare-footed in the sacred place to execute a sacrifice. We consequently note that in Africa, ablutions and bare-footedness in a sacred place existed 4,000 years before Islam.
The King’s enemies are executed and one can see their life breath (Tja m Ankh) escaping from their nostrils and taken by a sparrow symbolizing Horus; deity equivalent to Pharaoh in religion.
By sacrificing some lives to Horus, Naré Mari reinforced the Pharaonic power.
The conquest of Lower Egypt (northern Egypt)
The King just conquered Lower Egypt by punishing several Whites from Asia. There are 10 on the right who are beheaded (they are all seen on the whole tablet). The “abominable” – as they were called by Egyptians – are defeated. From that moment, Naré Mari wore Desheret, Lower Egypt’s red crown. In his hand, he holds the Nekhakha which allows him to cast evil spirits out. This is the “fly whisk” of all African Kings with almost no exception.
In front of him, his Djati (Prime Minister), who is a woman, is walking. This woman whose name is unfortunately unknown actually organized the Pharaonic power in such a way that it lasted 3000 years. In front of the Djati, 4 servants carrying 4 totems in standard; the first 3 are from southern Egypt and Sudan; the last one – new one – represents the conquered northern Egypt.
Two lions, symbolizing Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, now retained by two Africans with an afro hairstyle. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt are no more in conflict. The whole country has been pacified.
Thus, the King put the country under his authority through war. Following the southern Pharaohs, he was the first Pharaoh of the unified Egypt around year 1000 of the African era. He was the first to wear the white and red crowns. He is Henu Shemau Mehu (northern and southern sovereign), Nsut Bity (the southern King who conquered the North), Neb Tawy (Master of both Lands).
Akhenaten’s father and grandfather of Tuanga Imana (Tutankhamen). It is under the reign of this man that Egypt reached its absolute political apogee. On this 3 meter-high and 3.6-ton colossal chest, the King wears the Double-Crown 2000 years after Naré Mari.
British Museum
Naré Mari’s reign
The “first Pharaoh’s” 62 years of power were marked by the country’s militarization. The King founded Men Nafooré (Memphis) at the junction between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The city – which was named after his name Menes – became the capital city of the North and Nekhen remained the one of the South. He endowed Men Nafooré with fortifications to prevent other assaults.
Following his predecessors who partly controlled the Near-East, he consolidated his positions in Gaza, inhabited by his Black brothers, the Kin-Anu people (the Canaanites). It was a solidly united and fortified country that he passed on as a legacy to his successors who erected Egypt as a global power for 3000 years and the country which civilized Asia, America and finally Europe.
The names Naré and Mari are still born in West Africa particularly in Mali and Burkina Faso. As an example, Sundjata Keita’s father’s name was Naré Maghan Konaté. Sundjata Keita, famous founder of the Mali Empire in the 13th century was called Mari Djata Konaté. This African name “Mari” which means “loved” in the Pharaonic language, is at the origin of the Christians’ Mary.
The life of Naré Mari in a comic book for the younger ones. On this cover illustration, the Pharaoh holds two insignias of African Kings which is “the fly whisk” (Nekhakha) in his right hand and the commanding stick (Heka) in his left hand. The Heka was copied by Christianity and is held by bishops. The forearms crossed on the chest – the Pharaohs’s posture inherited from Usiré (Osiris) – is found in the movie Black Panther.