An African-American Group, Restitution Study Group in New York has opposed the repatriation of some Benin Bronze to Benin Kingdom in Nigeria, …
ATQ News ArchiveATQ News UpdatesNews
News: African-American political activist, labels plan to close Classics Department by Howard University, a ‘spiritual catastrophe’
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsHoward University, a private, federally chartered historically black research university in Washington, D.C. announced plans, recently to dissolve its classics department — …
ATQ News ArchiveNews
News: More than 300 African-American historical sites in SC are yours to discover with new app
by Atqnewsby AtqnewsWhen Dawn Dawson-House began working on a travel guide aimed at showcasing African-American history, she thought she would find about 50 sites …