Dr Taleb Rifai, the former Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has been admitted as the first not UK citizen into the Hall Of Fame by the British Travel & Hospitality Group.
This was a great recognition for the man who let World Tourism for over ten years. His achievements was recognised by countries right across the world and the recognition by the UK Tourism demonstrate the affection the world had for him. UK is not a member of the UNWTO and yet recognises his work and tenacity with which he steered tourism in the troubled world we are living in today.
It was Anita Mendiratta of CNN TASK who presented the achievements of Taleb Rifai to the packed banquet room with of tourism professionals at the Dorchester in London a week ago.
The Saint Ange Tourism Report takes this opportunity to Congratulate Taleb Rifai for making history as the first non – UK Citizen to be recognised by The British Travel & Hospitality Hall of Fame. We also salute the Travel weekly Group for recognising Taleb Rifai. A perfect choice.
Source: Saint Ange