Chinasa Unaegbunam, SAN, a distinguished Nigerian aviation legal expert, has earned a prestigious appointment to the advisory board of The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (HCAA).
Her inclusion underscores Nigeria’s growing influence in global aviation law and highlights her extensive contributions to the sector.
According to, this prestigious appointment highlights her exceptional expertise in aviation law and solidifies her place as Nigeria’s second Learned Silk in Aviation.
The announcement was made by The Hague Court of Arbitration, which revealed a list of distinguished individuals chosen to join its 40-member advisory board. The Board comprises global experts in aviation law, mediation and arbitration. Alongside professionals like Claire McDermott, Mary Walker and Wade Thomson, Unaegbunam will help guide the HCAA’s efforts to promote arbitration and mediation as key tools for resolving contractual disputes in the aviation industry.
The HCAA’s advisory board, with support from its Technical, Mediation, and Rules Standing Committees, provides invaluable expertise to the court’s board of directors. This collaboration enhances the development of specialised dispute-resolution mechanisms for the aviation sector.
Unaegbunam’s appointment is a personal achievement and a testament to Nigeria’s growing influence in international aviation arbitration. As the second aviation Learned Silk from Nigeria to attain this honour, Unaegbunam continues to break barriers and inspire future professionals in aviation law. Her role also aligns with Nigeria’s commitment to advancing excellence in aviation, a sector crucial to the country’s economic growth.