Home » Tourism: South Africa is the only African country in the Top 10 destination for Brits in 2018

Tourism: South Africa is the only African country in the Top 10 destination for Brits in 2018

by Atqnews
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United Kingdom is one of the largest tourist generating regions in the world. United Kingdom outbound tourism market is projected to reach nearly US$ 70 Billion by 2020. A relatively high income per capita, coupled with strong currency, making UK one of the top five spenders on international tourism in the world.

Outbound travel volume from United Kingdom will likely to reach nearly 80 Million in 2020. The proximity and cultural similarities, Europe still accounted for majority of all outbound trips made by UK travelers in 2015. Spain and France were the most popular destinations for the UK travelers followed by United States.

United States has emerged as the most popular tourist destination for the UK travelers in the 10 destinations which we covered in the report. In 2015, XX% of the total UK outbound tourists visited United States. It is expected that United States will be popular destination for the UK travelers by the year 2020. India and Australia were at the 2nd and 3rd popular destinations for UK travelers with XX% and XX% share respectively.

Mart Research report “United Kingdom Outbound Travel Market – Trips & Spending to 2020” provides detailed information on the top outbound tourism markets. This report analyzes market data and provides a better understanding of tourism flows and tourists expenditure. Market outlook in value terms for the forecasted period for United Kingdom outbound travel market has been detailed in the report. This report also entails a detailed description of growth drivers and challenges of the United Kingdom outbound travel market.

All the country in the report has been studied from 3 view points
• United Kingdom outbound tourists to 10 countries
• United Kingdom outbound tourists market (spending) in 10 countries
• United Kingdom outbound tourists purpose of visit (Business, Holiday/Leisure, VFR & Others)

United Kingdom Outbound Travel Market – Trips and Spending to 2020 – 10 Countries Covered
1. United States
2. India
3. Australia
4. Singapore
5. Japan
6. China
7. Cambodia
8. New Zealand
9. South Africa
10. Korea

Source: risemedia.net

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